Saturday 16 April 2016

How online marketing and webhosting made me rich at age 22

Meet A 22year old university student who pockets more money in a month than some of his lecturers.

As other university students are busy in hostels watching movies,sleeping around and waiting for the weekend to try their luck in sport pesa (betting) ,this gentleman spares his  free class time hours to work online as an affiliate Marketor with Social Biz Connect(SBC).
Evans Came across the SBC opportunity while facebooking.The opportunity caught his eyes and  he decided to give it a try. Furthermore he had nothing to lose apart from his broken screen Ideos."I was invited to a training seminar for orientation on how sbc works and believe me those 3hrs were the best hours that I have ever spent in my life"....

Here one of our Members at SBC.
Evans  who is a  3rd Year  Student at the Technical University of Kenya. He is doing the Business PARTTIME as he Persues his Computer Science Degree Full Time.

==>His mission is to Serve others.He is the overall team leader of team Everlasting Vision(EV).I know him with one phrase”If you were born poor  it ain’t your mistake but if you  die poor it's your biggest mistake. . . ..especially in this Internet era.

In a couple of months after he got started Evans was able to build his income to around ksh 40,000 on a monthly basis .An average income of sh10,000 weekly
SBC Allows its members to make weekly withdrawals of their monthly commissions and below is a screenshot of what Evans was averaging on a weekly basis 2months after he got started.

Today Evans is averaging   an average  Monthly Income  of (Ksh 90,000) on a monthly basis.
Below is a screen shot of what Evans receives each and every week at SBC.KSH 24,000 Meaning he makes around 90-100k each month.

I just had to share this story being a business partner to Evans.I must say he is so cooperative and ready to TEACH AND COACH MORE PEOPLE. he is also the best example of hard work.He is one of the best people I have met in the biz and am so proud of him.
Evans Sponsored me into the SBC business. Back then I was a broke University of Nairobi Student.I could hardly afford 3meals in a day meaning I had either to skip breakfast or combine both lunch and supper and take the meals at 4pm.Evans Coached me on how online marketing works and
Today the business is working great for me.As a matter of fact the results are incredible. Now am already averaging an income of Ksh 22,000 each week that is over ksh 80,000 every month

My ULTIMATE  dream is to make everything CHEAP. I believe in ZigZiglar  that if I assist just enough people get what they want in life,I will get all I want in life.This is the simple reason I invite you to come and have a look at the system that I use”.

SBC is a great opportunity that is allowing people in Kenya to become online entrepreneurs as proffessional affiliate marketers.Today More than 50 SBC  members are making over ksh40,000 monthly and over 100 members making ksh 30,000.
If you would also like to join SBC
TEXT/WHATSAPP 0726428826
RELATED POSTS How I Moved From Earning Ksh 14,000 monthly as a teacher To Ksh 27,000 Weekly Working Online.