Children in the 21st Century Kenya want to become ‘rich with lots of money’ when they grow up.
Of course there is nothing inherently wrong with dreaming of having lots of money.Money is good, very good; it helps us navigate through life, make ends meet and most importantly, lead decent lives. But is it possible to make lots of ‘clean money’ in Kenya today through sheer hard work, discipline and commitment?
Although my answer to this question would be a big YES, most of my students in Ethics at the University are quick to answer ‘not in this Kenya’ and urge me to disembark from my utopian towers and smell the “real corruption coffee” that is too strong to wish away...
The problem is that in our increasingly money worshipping society, most of us are keen to amass as much material wealth as they can within the shortest time possible regardless of the means of acquisition.And we, as a society, are always too quick to admire and even covet this overnight acquisition, while rubbishing moral progress.
We have become a society that treats with the least regard people of good character and treat with the highest esteem people who are devoid of virtues provided they have enough material wealth to warrant our standing ovation without caring where they sourced it from.
It is ironical that the more we craft good rules as illustrated by our Chapter Six in the new Constitution on leadership and integrity, the more we have bad people spending sleepless nights devising ways and means of violating these rules.
Everywhere you turn you are treated to enough moral drama and all these malpractices at virtually all levels of our society should serve as a wakeup call to all of us. It is time we became brutally honest with ourselves and admitted that the current crises are not rules based, but people based.
The Question now is How can you make money with clean deals. I will share with you a proven way that is already working in town.It will require you to be open minded,Focused and Committed to Success. Send your name,email, age and a short description of what you are doing currently via whatsapp to 0726428826 and start your Journey Today.
see also meet a 27 year old now making close to ksh150,000 monthly
how does it happen